Sally Holmes Reed
Sally Holmes Reed is known by many as Seattle’s best hypnotherapist and is an expert in multi-level mindset mastery for personal development, health and wellness, and transformation.

Sally’s goal is to help you solve your problems, achieve your goals, and get results better than you ever expected, beyond what you will experience anywhere else.
As the owner of and the creator of the Channel Your Success Formula, Sally has helped thousands of clients clear their fears, overcome obstacles, and challenge their limitations so they can step into bigger opportunities in their life and business.
Sally believes everyone is meant to lead a fulfilling life and experience extraordinary success.
I am blessed to be on this mission to uplift people so they can lead conscious, courageous, extraordinary lives and find fulfillment by listening and being inspired to make the changes needed to live a long, happy, healthy, prosperous life, which supports inner and outer beauty and spiritual enlightenment.
Sally Holmes Reed
Hypnotherapist and Transformational Results Coach
Along with being an Hypnotherapist and Transformational Results Coach, I have an interesting background in architecture, mathematics and special education, as well as being a passionately dedicated natural health researcher, studying personal growth and complementary energy healing techniques.
The credentials to look for when choosing a hypnotherapist would be that the hypnotherapy training is certified and recognized by the major hypnosis organizations.
My masters level Hypnosis/NLP training was done in 2001 through a private university specializing in Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Bennett Stellar University, which is recognized by the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, the National Guild of Hypnotists, and the Society of NeuroLinguistic Programming. I also have certification in Somatic Healing Technology through David Quigley’s Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis.
When choosing a hypnotherapist, be sure they have training in NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) because that provides a critical level of expertise in both verbal and non-verbal communication.
On a regular basis, usually each month, I update my knowledge and skills with continuing education publications, seminars and presentations provided by professional hypnosis trainers and other experts in the fields of energy medicine, natural health, accelerated learning and personal growth.
One of the world’s most well respected hypnosis organizations, the National Guild of Hypnotists, prefers the title of Consulting Hypnotist, mostly to clarify that we are not providing medical care, but the State of Washington uses the term Registered Hypnotherapist on our credentials. There is really not a difference between the two in terms of the hypnosis services provided.
It is also my personal opinion that a hypnotherapist have some kind of training and expertise in energy work and energy healing, which is now often referred to as biofield therapies. Even if the hypnotherapist does not actually use the energy work modalities in their hypnosis practice, it helps the hypnotherapist be more clear and present, allowing them to be centered and focused in their work.
My Areas of Training and Expertise
- Certified Master Hypnotherapist
- Consulting Hypnotist
- Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner
- Transformational Results Coach
Additional Training
- Somatic Healing Technology through David Quigley’s Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis
- Lisa Sasevich’s Speak to Sell and Teleseminar Training Program
- SpeakServeGrow Mentorship and Biz Club with Kristin Thompson
- Transformational Speaker Training through Christopher Howard’s Rock House Global Training, offering cutting-edge tools available for accelerating human transformation, creating extraordinary leaders
- Harvard University’s acclaimed edX series by Kegan and Lahey’s ground-breaking, award-winning: Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement!
Energy Healing / Biofield Therapies
Flower and Energy Essences, Emotional Release Meridian Tapping, Sound Healing, Educational Kinesiology, Ka Hana Pono Hawai’ian Healing and Breathing Techniques, Wise Secrets of Aloha Halau U’hane Lomilomi Lapa’au, Reiki Master attunements through Marie Manuchehri, with Ministerial Credentials through World Reiki Ministry. Also attuned in the first 4 Rites of the Q’ero Inka Munay-Ki: Bands of Power, Healers Rite, Harmony Rites, and the Seer Rites.
In addition to my Channel Your Success Formula, I am developing new programs for both Achieving Healthy Weight and Addiction Relapse Prevention using hypnosis, modern brain science, and super green food nutrition to help change how the world treats obesity and addiction.
For many years I have done volunteer advocacy work as a Professional Special Needs Advocate for children and adults with specific learning disabilities and other special needs.
I embrace the diversity of life, enjoying people of all ages and from many different walks of life. I believe in living the best life possible, achieving a sense of happiness and well-being.
Author’s Bio’s:
“Sally Holmes Reed is an Author, Certified Master NLP Hypnotherapist, Transformational Results Coach, Energy Healer, and a lover of Flower and Energy Essences.
Since 2001, Sally has helped thousands of clients reach their goals through her private practice at Hypnosis Seattle and Akua Healing Arts and is currently developing group programs and webinars to bring her work to the global community”.
– Author’s Bio from the Amazon international bestseller anthology with Sheree Keys, CEO of the, Global Artist Academy™ and the Network Building Academy™, author of How to Live a Perfectly Flawed Life ~How to Love Yourself & Live Life Creatively:
“Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age ~ Breathe Together in Harmony and Envision a New Future“
and Hypnotic Women, edited by Kelley Woods, is a compendium of over 80 diverse and original contributions from 57 female hypnosis practitioners from around the world:
“Hypnotic Women Volume 1, A Collection of Therapeutic Stories, Scripts, Poems and Inductions ~ Bridge of Light, Activating Your Multi-Dimensional Light Body“
Author’s Bio from her newest anthology, Book 1 of The Change Book Series, growing into one of the largest JV (Joint Venture) collaborative book series and a thriving community of authors from all over the world.
The Change~Insights Into Self Empowerment~Channel Your Success, co-authored with leading personal growth and network marketing experts, Jim Britt and Jim Lutes:
“Ever feel like you have what it takes, but something always seems to get in the way? Or do you know what is holding you back, but you haven’t been able to find your way to success? Sally Holmes Reed is considered by many to be one of Seattle’s best Hypnotherapists, helping you break through to new levels of success. Sally is the founder of and creator of the Channel Your Success Formula. As an Author, Master NLP Hypnotherapist, Transformational Results Coach, and Energy Healer, Sally has helped thousands of clients clear their fears, overcome obstacles, and challenge their limitations so they can step into bigger opportunities in their life and business. Sally’s mission is to help people lead fulfilling lives and experience extraordinary success.”