Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Causes Millions to Suffer
Can hypnosis be used to give people relief from chronic pain?
The answer is yes! Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have long been known as effective pain management strategies. Hypnosis is a viable alternative to drug or surgical chronic pain treatments.
Temporary relief can often be experienced through direct suggestion for symptom relief. More permanent relief can sometimes be brought about by resolving emotional or psychological issues connected to the situation.
The unconscious mind uses pain to teach you. The pain is a message that you need to learn something in order to avoid a particular situation. Until your unconscious feels that have learned how to avoid that type of situation (even if it wasn’t your fault to begin with) it will keep serving up the pain. Once you understand how to protect yourself better, the message has been delivered and that pain can stop.
In many situations caused by accidents or diseases this can result in up to an 80 percent permanent reduction in pain! As a side-effect these techniques sometimes result in a diminishment of connected symptoms. We use specialized techniques designed to get your unconscious the learning it needs and instruct your mind to let go of the pain that is no longer necessary.
For the remainder of your pain and other symptoms, we’ll teach you self-hypnosis. After learning self-hypnosis, many people can learn to alleviate or reduce pain on their own – helping to give back more of a sense of control to their lives (and saving money on expensive drugs and visits to the doctor).
We’ll leave you with a quote about the power of self-hypnosis. It’s from The Center for the Advancement of Health states in it’s article Minding the Body: The Science of Hypnosis:
“Strong evidence for the use of hypnosis in alleviating cancer pain was found by a scientific panel convened by the National Institutes of Health. In one 10-year follow-up of 86 cancer patients, those who received self-hypnosis training along with group therapy had 50 percent less pain and survived a year and a half longer than those who had routine medical care.”
Please call or write if you have any questions. Be well.